My Favorite Interior Design Trend for 2023

A well-known real estate company recently reached out to me and asked me what my favorite design trends for 2023 were. My first response was custom tile installations. A beautifully installed glass mosaic or custom tile piece can instantly boost the mood in a space and add a unique, personalized touch. This is something we’ve been seeing more of in the design world and I expect we’ll be seeing a lot more of it to come. 

Custom tile work is about infusing your personal style into your living spaces in a way that off-the-shelf options can't match. It's about choosing the colors, patterns, and textures that speak to you and crafting them into something that's uniquely yours. Whether it’s a bright backsplash in the kitchen or colorful stained glass in the bathroom, custom tiles can add cheerfulness and vibrancy to any space.

Stained glass mosaic designed by Allison Eden Studios, one of my favorite custom tile artists. 

Alison Eden is one of my all-time favorite custom mosaic artists. I had the pleasure of working with her on a tile mural project and vanity backsplashes that turned out just spectacular. Based out of New York, she creates amazing pieces that push the boundaries of traditional glass and tile work. Think stained glass crafted into patterns of overlapping unicorns, classic historic figures reimagined in glittering tiles, and abstract pieces that burst with color. She’s created glass mosaics and tile installations for brands like Bloomingdales and celebrities like Kris Kardashian and Elton John.

The beauty of Alison’s approach is its versatility. Think of any pattern, image, scene, or design motif and it can be created in glass or tile. From intricate floral patterns that add a touch of nature to abstract geometric designs that give a modern edge, the possibilities are endless. You can choose to have a sprawling seascape in your bathroom that gives the feel of a tranquil retreat or bold piece of pop art in the living room that reflects your love for modern art.

Alison's ability to translate concepts and ideas into tangible art makes each piece deeply personal and one-of-a-kind. Whether it’s a subtle accent piece or a dramatic feature wall, her custom installations are transformative, turning a simple space into a showcase of personal style and artistic expression.

If you're looking to brighten up a space, glass and tile mosaics are a perfectly unique choice. The way they catch and reflect light can completely change the space, making it feel brighter and more lively. These installations interact with the environment, creating an ever-changing piece of art. Mosaics can also be a conversation starter. Each piece tells a story in a way that's both personal and awe-inspiring.

Whether you're drawn to the bold, the subtle, or the downright avant-garde, custom tile work offers something that can resonate with your individual preferences. As we continue to see custom tile installations rise in popularity, it's clear that they offer an unmatched opportunity to express your style and elevate your home’s design. If you're renovating, building, or dreaming about your next big project, consider how a custom tile installation could transform your space.

Reach out to learn more about our interior design services in Philadelphia and Main Line, PA.

Larisa McShane and Associates is an award-winning full-service interior design firm in Villanova, PA. For more personalized ideas, call us to schedule a signature personal style discovery at 610-772-0445. You can also check our project page for more information.


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