A Teenager’s Dream Bedroom

October 12, 2022 By Larisa McShane
Is your high school-age son sleeping in a dream bedroom decorated when he was eight? Then it’s time for a change! Your son is growing up and his room should reflect the person he is now.

When your boy was little, you made his choices for him: his meals, clothes, room décor. Now he’s a young man and discovering his own likes and dislikes. He’s learning to make his own decisions. This should include making decisions about his personal spaces.

Just because boys don’t seem as interested in interior design as girls doesn’t mean they don’t care what their bedroom looks like.

To make the space truly his, let him choose the colors and furnishings and details.

Ask him what his ideal bedroom would be. If he answers, “I don’t know,” try more specific questions: What’s most important to you? What colors do you like? What hobbies or interests do you want around you? How would you like to feel when you are in your room?

The owner of this room loved anything to do with outer space and astronomy. The dramatic photo of the nebula on the wall was the starting point for the design and influenced the rest of the décor.

Is he into sports? Science? Space? Movies? Art? Music? His interests can provide an unlimited source of decorating inspiration.

The Space: These are necessary questions no matter what kind of room it is. What do you have to work with? Do you need more storage? Are there infrastructure changes that need to happen or are the changes just cosmetic in nature? Consult a design professional if you feel you need help making major decisions.

It’s probably been awhile since the room was painted and it’s time for a refresh. The floors might need refinishing or electrical upgrades made to accommodate technology demands.

Colors: Young man are usually attracted to dark colors such as blues, blacks, and grays. But that doesn’t mean a room must look like a cave! Accenting with white, light gray or blue and adding color through artwork and accessories (red packs an especially powerful punch) can brighten things up.

Furniture: Skip the hand-me-downs, if possible and let him pick out a new bed, desk and clothes storage. That way it will still be comfortable and age-appropriate when he’s home from college. If the pieces are well-made, they may even make the transition to his first apartment!

Décor: This is where the fun really comes in (and is that easy place to add pops of color). Let your son’s interests and hobbies guide choices in art and accessories. Artwork, lighting, linens, and other details will make his room truly his.

The experience of creating his own space will pay dividends when your teenager grows up. He will learn how important an intentionally designed home environment is to his physical and mental well-being. This is a lesson he can apply to all his future living spaces.

This is why your teenager’s dream bedroom is so much more than just a place to sleep. It’s his refuge: A place to study, explore his interests and spend time hanging out with friends. It will be his own little piece of “home sweet home” right now, and a cherished memory when he’s all grown up.

Larisa McShane and Associates is an award-winning full service interior design firm in Villanova, PA. For more personalized ideas, call us to schedule our signature personal style discovery at 610-772-0445, contact us to schedule a complimentary phone consultation or visit www.larisamcshane.com for more information.


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