New Year's Resolutions For Your Home

New Year's Resolutions For Your Home

The new year is a chance to start fresh with new goals and lifestyle habits. Most people make New Year’s resolutions focusing on personal aspects like health, career, or relationships. I also like to include my home in my goals for the year. After all, the home is an extension of you and your aspirations. Much like self-care, I like to think of the home as a work in progress that can always be improved upon.

If you’ve been putting off doing things around the home, there’s no better time than the new year to tackle those to-do list items. As with any New Year’s resolutions, it’s best to start with one attainable goal at a time. That way you won’t get overwhelmed. As you complete each task, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment. Before you know it, you’ll be reaping the rewards of a cleaner, more functional, and more personalized home. Here are a few achievable, yet transformative New Year's resolutions for your home.

Dedicate Time Each Week for Your Home

Mark two hours every week on your calendar as 'home time.' This isn't for cleaning or maintenance but for small improvements. Perhaps one week you reorganize a shelf, the next you might add some greenery or replace old photos with recent ones. It's amazing how these little enhancements can make a significant impact on your space and mindset.

Start with the Most-Used Kitchen Drawer

Not sure where to start? Try beginning with the most used kitchen drawer. It's usually a mixed array of utensils and tools, perhaps even a few miscellaneous items. Empty it, clean it, and then put back only what you need, neatly. This act is incredibly satisfying and sets a precedent for the rest of the kitchen, encouraging you to tackle one drawer or cabinet at a time.

Clean Out Your Closets

Closets are notorious for being jam-packed with things we don't need or use. In fact, when it comes to cutting down on clutter, many of my clients struggle with their closets the most. If this sounds like you, consider taking one day to go through just your closets. Donate clothes you haven't worn in a year, organize the remaining items by category, and enjoy the satisfaction of a well-ordered space. Remember, less clutter means less chaos.

Be Mindful of What You Bring In

In The Vague Dissatisfaction, Svetlana Dunn shares her experience of moving and having to sort through thousands of items. It’s shocking how many things we can accumulate in our homes. One way to tackle this problem is to become more intentional about what you bring into your home. For every new item, consider letting go of something else. This one-in, one-out rule helps maintain balance and prevents clutter from creeping back in.

Create a Dedicated Relaxation Space

Every home should have at least one space where you can retreat to after a long day and unwind without distractions. Designate an area in your home as a relaxation zone. It could be a reading nook with a comfortable chair and good lighting or a corner with yoga mats and calming decor. Whatever it is, let it be a physical reminder to take a moment for yourself every day.

Connect with Your Community

Home improvement isn't just about the physical space. It's also about the energy within it. This year, consider how you can open your home to others. Plan a few gatherings, whether it's a casual brunch, a book club, or a game night. Fostering community and making memories is what truly transforms a house into a home.

Embrace these resolutions not as chores but as small acts of love for the place you live in. Remember, your home is an extension of your living journey. It's not about perfection — it's about progression. Let this new year be where you create a space that supports your dreams, comforts your spirit, and welcomes new adventures, a home that grows with you every step of the way!

Need some inspiration for how to transform your home into a space that evokes peace, joy, and togetherness? Reach out to learn more about our interior design services in Philadelphia and surrounding areas! 

Larisa McShane and Associates is an award-winning full-service interior design firm in Villanova, PA. For more personalized ideas, call us to schedule a signature personal style discovery at 610-772-0445. You can also check our project page for more information.


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